Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Work vs. Life Balance

Being an entrepreneur isn't easy. Your days are often long.  Your nights are often not a time for winding down and relaxing, it's time you use to work more and sometimes worry about decisions to make and avenues to take.  (Hey, that rhymes! lol)  Your personal life becomes a blur and willingly you allow it happen because you believe in your your business, your vision and your brand.  It's only when something happens, a life event that shakes you up some, or maybe you become ill, that you take step back and remember that you may need to spend a little more time on you and those you love... after all, if you're run-down, sick or stressed out, what good are you really to your business, your customers, your clients?  None.

As entrepreneurs, it's important that we care for ourselves so we can best serve our craft.  Taking just a few minutes a day to focus on self, is a few minutes well invested and truth be told, needed.  Bottom line = We need to stop and smell the roses.  Life is too short not to.

Below are a few suggestions for taking care of you.  Some of them are downright obvious and should be innate but a driven entrepreneur often forgets about them and needs a little reminder.

  • Go for a 10 minute walk to clear you mind. While walking, mentally focus on other areas of your life or just observe your surroundings. Nature is inspiring.  It's beauty can help produce feelings of tranquility and relaxation.
  • Eat. (You'd be surprised how many entrepreneurs neglect to eat in order to work more.)  Even better... schedule lunch or dinner dates with friends or your family to keep connected.
  • Drink plenty of water. (Coffee doesn't count.)
  • Take a few minutes each day to meditate or pray.
  • Shower or bathe by candlelight before going to bed. (This works wonders for a good night's rest.)
  • Do something that will make you laugh. Laughter really is good medicine.
  • Smile. It's contagious and is a mood booster.
  • Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day.

1 comment:

  1. Balance... that is something I have been seeking ALL MY LIFE. I'm not an entrepreneur, but I work in a very stressful, demanding career (12 hour night shifts at a Women's Prison) and I have to remind myself to a) separate the two and b) not work a lot of OT. These are great tips you have here... and we should ALL use them. :)
