Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Found: Good Exists!

Turn on the news, read the paper, or browse the web and you’re bound to find reports of crime, misfortune, or scandal.  It seems like every day, something bad is happening somewhere.  In fact lots of bad things to seem to be happening everyday somewhere.  It can be really scary at times and leave you wondering "Is there any good in the world?"

Good news travels... but unfortunately bad news travels faster.  Bad news travels like lightening... good news seems to travel as slow as a snail but it exists. It's worth seeking out from time to time as a reminder of its existence too.  It's like "food for the soul".  It can help encourage, motivate, inspire, rejuvenate... it can help restore faith in the belief that not everything in this world is bad or evil.

We searched online and found plenty of good news; some we want to share with you here.  Read one or two of the stories and consider sharing. The bad news is that good news will only travel if we share it.  The good news is... good exists!

WHDH-TV - Homeless man returns wallet, gets donations:

CBS Detroit - Bystander Foot Chase Nabs Detroit Wallet Thief:
Greektown (credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Greektown (credit: Wikimedia Commons)

ABC - West Phila. concert raises money for fire victims:

Video courtesy of ABC

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Incredibly yummy, thankfully distant!

Ok, so I had probably THE BEST cupcake I've ever had in my xx years last night.  Is this monumental?  No.  Is it life-changing?  Not really.  Is it worth this post so I can shout out this bakery and hopefully bring them more business?  YES.

Kudos to Mr. Cupcakes located in Clifton, NJ!  The vanilla cake, coconut buttercream cupcake I DEVOURED last night was absolutely delicious.  Talk about moist!  The buttercream icing was delish too... it was just right, sweet without being overly sweet or bitter tasting.  I wanted another one so bad but didn't dare take another.  (Summertime is coming. lol)

Does the name Mr. Cupcakes sound familiar to you?  Are you a Food Network fan?  Well, they were on Cupcake Wars!!  (I love that show.)

I know I'll be purchasing from them in the future for my bakery needs.  They have 3 locations in NJ (thankfully, none of them are located too close to me).  Their website says they make over 40 different cupcakes with all kinds of flavors from Peanut Butter & Jelly to French Toast.  All I can say is yum yum yummy! 

For more visit them online at

Photography by Helga Schaefer

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It Feels Good To Go Green!

I can honestly admit that if you asked me about "going green" or "buying natural" or supporting the "eco-friendly" or "sustainable" movement years ago, I wouldn't have had much to say except maybe "ok" or "sounds cool".  Trying to do what I could do, being just one person, to help save our environment wasn't high on my thought list.  It wasn't.  As I started to hear more about going green on TV, online or in magazines (I'm an avid reader), I became really interested in it.  I started to seek out more information.  The more I learned, the more I became convinced to join movement.  I became willing and was excited to help do my part.  It ultimately is for a great cause after all... one that we all share an invested interest in too.... our planet!

Going green, living green, being green... it's not so hard.  Getting started is easy and it's a commitment that is really easy to keep.  You may even find it fun.  I do!  I like to challenge myself to do something green whenever possible.  It's almost like a mental game I play with myself.  I like to stop and consider if what I'm about to throw away can be reused in some way, shape or form.  I like to research eco-friendly companies and support them when I can.  I do the same in the grocery store... I read labels and support the efforts of green and natural brands.  I recycle.  I buy used books.  I purchase items made with recycled or sustainable materials.  (Sustainable is defined as "of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged" by Merriam-Webster.)  I donate clothing I no longer want (that's a form of recycling too).  Whatever I can do, I do.  I'm not a fanatic or a radical but I believe in the movement and want to play a part.

I'm sure you have nieces or nephews, smaller cousins or maybe you're a mom or a dad.  What we do now, will impact what the world will look like and be like when our little ones get to be adults and start families of their own.  What will we leave them?  What can we do to help protect their future environment?  If for no other reason, caring about the future for our younger ones is a great motivator to go green.  I bet that once you get started.... you won't want to stop because it really feels good to go green!

Want to learn more?  Try reading Living Green by Greg Horn.  It's a great and easy read with lots of useful information. It's available on with many in "used" condition.☺ 

Living Green by Greg Horn on